After a lot of troubles I ended up installing a Dellorto carburetor, the bike starts easy and runs very good now.
After the installation of the Dellorto carburetor I just had to figure out a way to install the aircleaner, but together with my father we found a sulution. (no pictures at the moment)
Wing nuts:
I had promised myself that I would not put anymore brass at the bike, but in the end of the fender struts I had installed stainless acorn nuts, and it looked very modern, so I decided to Install two brass wing nuts I got from a guy named Rolf, thanks body !
I had a few oil leaks at the bike and some clutch issues witch is also corrected now, that means I will soon be riding the bike all over the country.
4 kommentarer:
Hey Peter. I really like what you've been doing with this project, it's top shelf for sure! I may be doing something similar but in a WL. Is there a way I can get in contact with you? I don't see an email address for you anywhere.
Keep up the great work!
Hi Damion,
Thank you very much - I'm very happy for the result as well : )
It sounds like a good idea, keep me updated when you get something done at your project.
You can contact me any time at
Hej Peter
Det ser pisse godt ud. Kanon med alle de detaljer, og at du ikke bare går på kompromis med noget som helst. Hatten af for det stykke arbejde.
Jeg er selv ved at lave en panhead, der er også lidt specielle ting, men slet ikke i samme grad eller på samme niveu som din... Der er billeder af den her.
Hej Thomas, tak for de fine ord, jeg prøver at gøre mit bedste ;)
Jeg kender godt din panhead- kører du i Uninvited ?
Rigtig fedt med den nye tank, og så er det godt at se billeder af bemalingen, efter at Cay har snakket rigtig meget om den ! : )
Fin cykel..
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